

A cover note is a short term contract of insurance that can be put in place very quickly and with a minimum of paperwork. The purpose of the cover note is to give you immediate cover for your vehicle and to allow you a short period of time to obtain all the required information and submit it to us along with your payment in order to obtain your full policy. The length of this short term cover can vary and will be shown on the cover note.

It is important to ensure that all information we request to finalise your policy is provided to us by the expiry date of your cover note. If you do not provide this to us within the cover note period then your cover note will expire and cover will cease. If there are extenuating circumstances as to why the outstanding information cannot be provided to us before the cover note expires then you should contact us in advance to discuss an alternative solution.

The MB Prestige Motor Vehicle Insurance product is underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd's. Lloyd's is the world's leading insurance and reinsurance marketplace. Through the collective intelligence and risk-sharing expertise of the market's underwriters and brokers, Lloyd's helps to create a braver world.

MB Insurance specialises in insuring prestige, luxury, high performance, classic and vintage vehicles as well as Japanese and American imported vehicles and other specialist type vehicles.

Adopting the following measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of your vehicle being stolen:

  • Never leave an ignition key anywhere on or in the vehicle
  • Never leave a valet or service key on or in the vehicle. These can sometimes be located in a pocket or sleave within the owner’s manual.
  • When at home, store your keys in a discrete, non-obvious location - many vehicles are stolen with keys taken from the kitchen bench or hall stand
  • Keep your vehicle off the street at night preferably in a locked garage.

The circumstances of the claim will determine if an excess is payable. Full details of when an excess will be payable can be found in Section 8 of the Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording.

The excess applicable to your policy will be shown on your certificate of insurance.

A quote can be obtained by completing the Quotation Request form found on the Downloads page of this website and returning it to us. For insurance brokers registered to use our online quoting facility you can obtain a quote here.

Quotations are valid for 30 days from the date of issue.

An Agreed Value policy is a policy where the value of your vehicle is set and agreed upon at the start of the policy and does not change for the duration of the policy period. Unlike market value policies where the insured value of your vehicle can vary with market forces, an agreed value policy gives you certainty over the insured value of your vehicle for the duration of the policy period.

If we agree to repair your vehicle then you may choose your own repairer.

If you choose your own repairer you'll need to:

  • get a quote from an appropriately licensed and equipped repairer of your choice
  • allow us to assess the quote and your vehicle before we authorise repairs, and
  • allow us to get a quote from another repairer if we need one.

We may not accept your repairer's estimate if we believe:

  • they don't have the equipment or expertise to repair your vehicle
  • the scope of repairs may not be correct, or
  • their estimate is not competitive.

We may invite, accept, adjust or negotiate estimates or arrange to move your vehicle to another repairer acceptable to both of us.

If you require assistance in selecting a repairer then we can recommend one to you.

Your premium is calculated based on a number for risk factors including who drives the vehicle, where your vehicle is located, the agreed value of your vehicle, the make and model of your vehicle, the age of your vehicle, how you use your vehicle and the excess selected. We may also take into account your claims history and driving record when calculating your premium.

Further details of how your premium is calculated can be found in the Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording.

MB Insurance manage all claims in-house with a dedicated claims team. We do utilise external service providers for specific tasks, for example, loss adjusters to assess your vehicle damage.

There is no sub-limit applicable to the excess free glass replacement benefit. If your claim qualifies for the excess free glass replacement benefit then you will be covered for the full cost of replacing the glass.